As I sit here in my flat,trying to ignore the beautiful weather outside and trying to get weary and bored mind to focus on the endless trivialities of what pointers can empowers us mere humans to do, I can't but ponder over the two much puzzled over conundrums:
1) Pointers are a contraption allowing us to program very fast computers to do impossible tasks even faster

Maybe the matrix wasn't so imaginary,maybe it wasn't just a good movie.This mad search for algorithms is my own matrix--and I am hopelessly trapped of my own volition.
2) Just why on earth is the weather so nice just when I have to study my ass off and cant go running over to Priya and watch Pirates of the Carribean:Dead Man's Chest when every other human being alive has seen it.It never fails.You plan an outing and the sun starts blazing like it will never set.
THese musing aren't totaly arbitrary.They are the most well exhibited symptoms of is known as placement fever.Every year the phenomenon repeats itself in most engg. colleges all across India.It is almost amusing.People you never heard with anything but gaalis on their tongue suddenly start talking in english, people who never used the computer except for playing games and watching porn can be seen discussing time complexities of algorithms, for once CAT is a bad word all over the campus, people who aren't half qualified to become engineer's peons are suddenly discusssing the jobs they will and will not accept!!!
Speculation is rife about companies,offers and packages, Bhatia sir is the most sought after man on the campus( he is that always vaise to),rawat struts about like a peacock in his harem, squeaking commands to anyone who'll listen-and people do listen!!

The funniest episodes are when people start discussing how to tackle interviews.The greetings between friends suddenly changes from 'hi' to 'decribe yourself in one word' or 'tell me about yourself'.More than half the advice thrown about is garbage,and the other half is worse.One of my seniors told me that some of his friends called him up and asked:"Yaar,koi weakness bataa de" lol.
And always, behind the curtains, is the incesstant ghisai. The toppers have already gone through their books so many times that the books are about half their original weight(it isnt called ghisai for nothing you see!)And where there is ghisai, there is, of course, the pleasant weather, which brings us back to my original conundrum.
Let no one doubt the cyclicity of life.
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