I just sat for about 20 minutes in this blessed cyber cafe wrirting a huge long post in the forums and WHAM,Mr.IE has to encounter a problem and shut down.Brilliant!!!
Well this MBA coaching seems to me to be a greater fraud than the IIT coaching thing is.The CL people seem to have given a 10% scholarship to every laggard who managed to crawl to his exam center.And the nerve of them to call me up and say that I was getting that scholarship because I was among the top 50.

They can wait for me all they want.I ain't falling for a Rs.2500 bait.I will probably sue them for something like ILLEGAL EGO INFLATION.
थोड़ी सी 'The Alchemist' पढी.Its a tiny book but seems to be taking an eternity to finish.I dunno but each sentetnce seems to be loaded with a dozen meanings and interpretations.Paulo coelho बहुत घुमा फिरा के बात कर्ता है साला,मुझे तो headache ही हो गया पढने में.
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