Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cometh the music

Throughout 2009 and 2010, I was a part of a band called The Turning Brain. We jammed intermittently and though we did manage to end runner-ups in a Battle of Bands competition sponsored by Extreme Sports bar(Hyderabad), the show never really went anywhere and as mentioned in an earlier post, we have now officially disbanded. Playing with Mohtashim Khan, Nishanth Pais, Aabhaas Khanna, Jonas David, Anirudh Voleti and Mohit Lalwani has been my great pleasure and much of what I now know about playing music I learnt with them. Best of luck boys!!! Fates willing, it is not over yet :)

I have been turning my thoughts into lyrics and sharing them on this blog for almost two year now. Almost always, the lyrics have been backed by some melody (however rudimentary). A few of these melodies, were attempted as full-fledged songs by the Turning Brain, but like I said, nothing solid came out of it. Now with the band gone, I finally decided to bite the bullet and record a few of these songs myself. The arrangements would have to be simpler (I can only play the guitar) and the vocals would be ordinary at best, but as Khan bhai would say, my solo career would have taken off!

I have tried my hand at home demo kind of recordings before, but doing the entire shebang alone turned to be a brutal and humbling experience. I have already spent at least 5 days and all I have are just about passable recordings of four songs. The recording, processing, arranging and mixing is tedious business. Also it is beginning to look like I am frequency deaf (technical term-totally different from tone deaf) since some audiophile gurus have told me that I am catching a very narrow band of frequencies and I can’t help but make my blank face at them (“Sounds good only!!”).

So I decided to check out what other people recording solo are doing and was amazed not merely by the numbers but also by the quality of some of the stuff out there (like this, this, and this). I am now convinced that even with the extremely limited gear that I am using, much better sound can be produced than I have currently.

There is nothing more precious in this world to me than my music and I want it to be perfect so that everyone can listen to it just as it sounds in my head. So it is back to the drawing board for me as I try to reach a semblance of quality with the recorded stuff before I can share with others.

It is coming. Await the onset of Awesomeness :)

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